Welcome to Milpera. We are an Intensive English Language school for newly arrived young people of refugee and migrant background.
Our teachers are highly experienced and have formal qualifications for teaching English as an Additional Language. We teach English through language, literacy and literature, humanities topics, Mathematics, Science and Health and Physical Education. The students also enjoy Art for relaxation and develop coding skills.
We facilitate good settlement and a strong sense of belonging through carefully chosen learning experiences, an extensive extra-curricular program and by valuing the cultural identity of each student. Milpera's many bilingual teacher aides provide cultural support as well as helping students with their acquisition of English. Additionally, the school has developed one of the Department of Education's largest volunteer teams, essential in supporting the students in our classrooms and intervention programs.
At Milpera, our students learn how to thrive in an Australian classroom. They learn the ways of working in our classrooms through our key values of being hard working, respectful, kind and ready for learning. Our student-centred curriculum uses highly contextualized language learning experiences and ensures our students develop the English language needed for their future learning pathways.
We welcome you to Milpera – 'A meeting place of brothers and sisters'.
Principal – Julie Peel
Julie Peel
Milpera State High School
Meeting Place of Sisters and Brothers
P: 07 3270 3222
M: 0477 358 496